Optimizing Battery Usage in Robots
OBJECTIVE: Examining the most efficient way to use batteries in a FIRST Tech Challenge competition context.
METHODS: This was done through primary research, as I ran through 5 trials collecting the voltage usage of the 15-volt battery and the speed of the robot.
RESULTS: The peak speed of the robot was when the battery was at 12.09 volts and the battery lost the most power at 10.4 volts.
CONCLUSIONS: Matches should be started with the battery charged to 13-14 volts and replaced when the battery reaches 10.5 volts.
The Benefits of Offering 3D Printing System
OBJECTIVE: Examining whether the 3D printer company 3D Systems should offer the service to print consumer designs.
METHODS: This was done through conducting secondary research on companies that offered 3D printing services, comparing the finances and company as a whole to my company, 3D systems.
RESULTS: Providing 3D printing services allowed more customers to try 3D printers before having to commit to the high prices, expanding the audience of 3D systems and generating additional revenue.
CONCLUSIONS: 3D systems should adopt a 3D printing service, as the long-term revenue and increase in customers outweigh the cost and time spent to print the customer’s designs.
Heat Maintenance in Insulation Systems
OBJECTIVE: Examining the relationship between the density of a cotton barrier and the barrier's thermal resistance, determining the effectiveness of cotton as an insulator
METHODS: This was done through primary research, as I designed and executed my own experiment, collecting data to solve for the barrier’s thermal resistance.
RESULTS: The denser the barrier, the greater the thermal resistance, which causes a greater transfer of heat.
CONCLUSIONS: Overstuffing the barrier with cotton decreases the effectiveness of the insulation properties, but it is important to include enough cotton so the entire barrier is filled. The optimal tested density was around 800 kg/m^3 of cotton.